Friday, August 01, 2008

I am one rechargeable battery

To recharge my energy (hence to preserve my sanity), I need to be somewhere like here:

or here:



I finally made my thoughts known to the person in-charged of the said organisation yesterday afternoon. I was then advised to lodge a formal complaint by the managements of both sides but after some deep thinking, I decided not to. Firstly, I am pretty sure nothing good will come out of it and knowing how unprofessional certain quarters in that organisation can be, my staff may instead be at risk of the negative impacts. Secondly, I don't want to stoop as low as the culprits... I have other better and more important things to do than to get myself involve in unnecessarily dramas. Thirdly... some friends may say I am a weakling...but the truth is, I am just lazy!

So... I shall drop the issue, smile and move on. Life is too short for bitterness and brawls eh...

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