Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I wanted to log my recent sipadan trip here tonight, but the idea sounded so wrong and inappropriate after reading this article. Some other day maybe...

An extract from the same article on BBC News website:

I can't bear to think what will happen if the bombing continues. There are not enough beds in the hospitals and they are severely short of equipment, including x-ray machines.

But as we go out and asses the damage, we can see other needs. There is a shortage of food and flour and people are rushing to the bakeries but there's not enough bread.

I can't imagine the fuel lasting much longer. Due to the bombings, people are staying in their homes - they are too frightened to venture out. Aid workers are not exempt - the fact that nobody knows when the next bomb will fall makes our job very dangerous.

The shops are closed and so getting food is not easy. Trying to live in electricity blackouts is difficult - so working becomes that much harder.

Soon we will be distributing food as this is going to be an urgent need in the coming days if the bombing doesn't stop. That's our plan but we are now working to make sure we can source what is needed.

Every day is bringing fresh challenges and we have to find ways of dealing with them. The lack of supplies in hospitals, the food shortage and of course the fear that stalks the streets - I only hope and pray that tomorrow is different.


Let's hope and pray hard that tomorrow WILL be a different day for the Gazans... they deserve some peace and happiness too..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ain't raining afterall

I am back from Cherating and my brain is now cluttered with a long to-do list that I need to tick through before I leave for a paradise island breakaway in 3 days' time. So, back to just photo-blogging for the time being ya!


To all my christian friends... Merry christmas, have a good celebration and happy holidays!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


A good ol' friend asked me yesterday morning why wouldn't I want to go to the UK again and I gave her several reasons. Truth to be told, the possibility has yet to been discarded fully and her question made me think about it again. By the afternoon, I received a work-related paper and while reading it on a coach to Cherating, I noticed something. The author of the paper was from my old place of work..

Co-incidence? Or a calling?


The waves are high and as I am typing this, the sky is getting darker and darker by the minute. But I am still hopeful for a brighter day tomorrow for scenic sunrise shots and an early morning swim...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bulan itu

I had a dream last night. One that woke me up and kept me awake in the wee hours of a saturday morning. One that I haven't had for a long long time. One that I wished I won't ever get again... but I did.

On the way back from basketball this morning, this song came on air.

Had a long chat with a good friend just now.. and we talked about it, the big D.

The dream, the song, the talk. Too co-incidental for all to happen on a same day. Weird.

Then it suddenly occurred to me... It is the month. And the date is just a few hours away. No wonder.


No, I don't feel the pain anymore. But of course, the scar is still there... I think it will be there for a long long time.


To the good friend: Happy Birthday. May true happiness goes your way, sooner rather than later. You definitely deserve it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

IRM Qurbani 2008

It was a simple yet meaningful event. Good weather, high turn-out for both the qurban and distribution ceremony and good food from the beginning till end, courtesy from the host family and relatives. It was tiring but we had fun and a good experience. The villagers of Kok Lanas, Kelantan were warm and friendly and they made us felt like home effortlessly. It was a perfect way of spending Aidil Adha away from home and we couldn't possibly ask for more.

The most important thing, the objective was achieved, perfectly. 100 beneficiaries from near and far (as far as Pasir Mas if I'm not mistaken), received 2kg of qurban meat each as well as our usual trademark foodpacks. There were smiles all around that Monday afternoon... and by the end of the day, only that matters.

Kinda made up for the long 16-hour travel from KL 2 days earlier..

End of an era (and the beginning of a new one)

So, I turned 48 a few days ago. Instead of having the day off to celebrate, it was a busy day instead starting with a virtual viva session f...