Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Lost Mojo

Assaults from known enemies can be hurtful. But most of the time, these kind of assaults are half-expected so you normally won't take them too hard. You'd just nurse your wounds, regather your strengths and get back on your feet again for the next fighting round. You may get angry, but no deep emotional scars left because, afterall, they're your enemies...What else can be expected from them??

But the worse type of assaults are the ones that come from people whom you trust, the so-called friends. These are the people you trust your thoughts and inspirations with, those who know your weaknesses the most. With them, you put out no barriers to protect youself so when the backstabs come, you're left unguarded.. and helpless. It hurts... it damn hurts.

For now, I have lost my fighting spirit, my passion..

For now, I am truly tired..

But I am a Bugis, a descendant of warriors (and pirates). So I am not going to let my ancestors down by being a coward.

For now, I just need some time to rejuvenate..

For now, I need some space to think things through..

For now, I need to search for that fighting spirit again...

For now, I need to find my lost mojo.

As Mr Terminator would say.... 'I'll be back!"

(but it may be on a different field and dimension next... I don't know yet)

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