Thursday, February 21, 2008


I have been having on-off diarrhoea for a couple of years now and tried so many medications from modern to traditional preparation to try curing it but to no avail. So, a couple of weeks ago, I took up a courage and mentioned it to a doctor friend of mine who is now doing Gastro rotation. A good friend he is, he quickly mentioned it to one of the Gastro Specialists whom I know pretty well, and voila! a colonoscopy (where a probe is put through your colon to see the inside of your digestive system for diagnostic purposes) was arranged for me. All the arrangements were done so fast that I didn't have the time to think about it. I was too busy at the time to give it much thought anyway.

It was the night before the procedure that the reality finally hit me... Here I was in the bathroom purging for the umpteen times after taking Phospho Soda to clean up my bowel in preparation for the procedure and suddenly, the thought of 2 male doctors whom I know so well looking up my ass sent me into a mini panic attack. Why the hell did I agree to it? I did requested for a female doctor at the very beginning but the request fell onto deaf ears and I didn't even kick a fuss..Stupid me! Oh, did I tell you that I actually had a crush on one of them about a couple of years ago? Yes, I did but it lasted only for a very short time and I don't think he ever knew. Thank god!

Anyway, came the procedure day, the friend did all the necessaries himself and made it as professional as possible which helped lowering my level of embarrassment and anxiousness abit. I was also glad that he was kind enough at the last minute to get a female specialist to do the procedure and sent the rest of his male colleagues out of the room. But the embarrassment didn't stop there.. apparently they had to give me higher than normal sedatives to put me to sleep (I am a tough cookie afterall!) because I made an awful lot of funny sounds while they were trying to get the probe in(or so I was told!). After the procedure, the doctor friend came over to check on me and explained about the findings but I was told that although I was already awake and looked 'normal' I repeatedly asked him the same questions again and again and didn't make any sense at all. The worst thing is, even up until today, I still could not remember doing it nor could I remember even talking to him. In fact, I could not even remember that I actually went to change my clothes all by myself, went to get drugs and appointment dates or how I managed to get back to my office in one piece. So, 2 hours of my life missing yesterday, which I have no recollection of although I was fully awake (or so I was told)... Pretty scary eh.. I sincerely hope that I did not do and say stupid things or revealed any secrets to anybody I was in contact with within that 2 missing hours..What a disaster if I did!

Oh, to add to my horror and embarrassment, I also discovered that I called this doctor friend about 5 times and another friend about 8 times during that 2-hour amnesia period, for reasons I myself didn't even know...I really hope they didn't think that I was playing pranks on them or that I was plain stupid. I am truly sorry to both of you...I HONESTLY DO NOT REMEMBER!

Lesson of the day: If you need to do any procedures or surgeries involving sedation, do it at a hospital as far away from your house and workplace as possible so that if you have to make fool of yourself... nobody knows you!

I now need to find a box to cover my face until this embarrassment blush goes away..

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