Over the years, I slowly began to believe that there are always good reasons behind everything that happened, be it better things to come or even simply lesson to be learned.
For example, I didn't get to go to Luthania in 2006 (purely my own doings, for sticking to my stupid 'principles'!) but because of that, I had the chance to go to Bordeaux the following year and off I went. It was a good trip and a surprise meet with a long-known friend at the edge of Eiffel Towel led to another level of relationship. A blessing in disguise. Must be the air in Paris eh?
2007 was a relative good year for me. If 2005 and 2006 were the years of healing, 2007 was the year of discovering...and adventures. A few holidays, a number of new friends, a new (added) job, a new promotion and most importantly, a new relationship. Yes, there were road-blocks here and there but we now have an action plan and we will see through it. we will get to know the outcome sooner or later. If it doesn't favour us, no worries.. I am sure, it is just another blessing in disguise for us both. Life must go on right?
I was supposed to go to Kuantan today to send this fella back to his basecamp but my car pulled out on me yesterday. Ended up having to pay RM1.2k for the repair which include 3 new tyres, a whole new set of brakes and a few other things that I don't even want to remember. No worries, a blessing in disguise. At least,I managed to postpone the Kuantan trip to this coming weekend, totally avoided the end-of-holiday traffic madness and we got to go to Zoo Negara instead. The lil' fella definitely had fun although he looked overwhelmed at times especially when both of us got totally drenched up during the elephant show when one of the elephants sprayed a bucketful of water towards us with his trunk. My mum and my sister were saved only by my mum's quick thinking...she opened up her umbrella just a few seconds before the incident!
Oh well, how many of you can stand up and be proud that you've been 'showered' by an elephant right? A blessing in disguise.
Happy new year everyone!
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