Friday, October 10, 2003

UK re-visited

My throat is sore.. My whole body is aching... I've been coughing my lungs out since yesterday and not to mention the thumping headache due to nasal block.. Yup, I'm having a flu. With all that sufferings, I still have to force myself out of the bed to see a doctor for MC.

I still don't agree with the MC system in this country. I mean, why do I have to waste RM26 when I'm fully qualified to self-medicate myself? We all know that the best therapy for flu are to take some paracetamol (unless you're allergic to it like yours truly) and to stay in bed with your hot water bottle. Then, why do we have to waste our time and money just to get the MC?

I'm not saying the UK system is perfect but it does make more sense. Over there, you only need to see the doctor if you need to stay off work for 3 days or more. This means you can self-medicate for minor ailments without having to wait for 1 hour (or more!) just to see your doctor especially when what the doctor would prescribed are exactly the same as what you've taken at home.

Talking about UK...

I just received 2 e-mails from my ex-collegues saying that they'll be coming to visit..I'm so excited! Sarah G. will be going on a 6-month tour with her man and will be popping over to KL during that period while Gaby will be coming over somewhere in January on her way to Down Under. She's in the process of selling her house now.

I wished I can be like them. I'm so in need of long holidays but I've just started a new job and money-wise....emmm... don't even want to go into that, how depressing! Just hope I get to go back to the UK someday. There are so many things that I've not done over there...and still so many places to go to...

I think I have to get back to bed... my eyes are watery and I've started to cough like nobody's business again. Just hope I'll be able to go to the Scientific Conference this weekend especially when Roche is kind enough to sponsor me. Emmm... I still have nothing to wear for the Pharmacy Nite and it's tomorrow night!

10th - 12th October 2003
Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre

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2024 - so far

 Can't believe it's already October! A few points to jot down to be kept here as my life journal (since nobody is reading it anymore...