Friday, March 31, 2006

A show of unity

This is a piece of old news already but I just want to put it up anyway..

My school alumni (Srikandi) organised a futsal tournament last sunday and it was opened to all SBP alumnus. Srikandi actually sent 5 teams but guess who won it? Nope, not STF but a team who called themselves the 'hybrid' because the team consisted of old girls' from the top 3 SBP girls' schools( I hope I'm not politically incorrect in making this statement!).

STF, TKC and SSP have this long love-hate history.. We were (and still are) rivals in many ways (sports, studies, band etc) but at other times, we can be the closest of friends. The love-hate relationship was quite obvious in this futsal tourney alone when a team from TKC met a team from STF in the first round and you could see the cheering squads from both schools 'battled' against each other, even harder than the players themselves. A couple of hours later, the same previously opposing cheering teams suddenly became 'great buddies' and just merged as one to give their full support to the hybrid in the final. Well, it just shows that great minds (or in this case great legs for the players and great voices for the supporters!) working together are better than working alone.

Anyway, there were a large number of old boys' teams participating too and it was really amusing to see these not-so-young guys with beer bellies already showing up still acting like school kids on the pitch as well as on the cheering bench.. To hear them singing their hearts out to ensure maximum support to their teams just made me feel like I was back in school.. just like the PPM time again!

End of an era (and the beginning of a new one)

So, I turned 48 a few days ago. Instead of having the day off to celebrate, it was a busy day instead starting with a virtual viva session f...