Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Bird Flu

On of the hottest news nowadays is about the Avian Influenza or bird-flu. Malaysia has so far been certified clean of the virus but we can never be so sure can we? So, here's the fact sheet of the virus from WHO website.

I feel like having chicken rice today but am wondering where my local chicken supply is actually from... How can I be so sure that it's not those smuggled from Thailand?

Monday, February 02, 2004

Selamat Hari Raya AdilAdha

A belated wish to everyone.

And happy birthday to Nurul Adha. Welcome to womanhood...hehehe..

End of an era (and the beginning of a new one)

So, I turned 48 a few days ago. Instead of having the day off to celebrate, it was a busy day instead starting with a virtual viva session f...